Are Seasonal Workers Covered By Workers’ Comp In Georgia?

Many industries in Georgia are seasonal—from tourism companies that ramp up operations during peak travel periods to retail companies that need to hire additional help during the Holiday day season. Seasonal workers make very important contributions to our overall economy. The United States Department of Labor (DOL) notes that seasonal workers are still covered by the federal FLSA.
This raises a question: Do seasonal workers get workers’ compensation coverage in Georgia? The answer is “yes”—most employees in Georgia are covered by workers’ comp, even if they are only employed on a seasonal or temporary basis. In this article, our Decatur workers’ comp lawyers provide a comprehensive overview of the rights of seasonal employees in Georgia.
Seasonal and Temporary Employees Can Be Covered By Workers’ Comp in Georgia
In Georgia, the overwhelming majority of workers have a legal right to receive no-fault workers’ comp coverage from their employer. You do not have to be a long-term employee. Seasonal workers, temporary workers, and part-time workers can qualify for coverage.
Major Exception: The agricultural industry is treated differently. Georgia is one of slightly more than a dozen U.S. states that does not require employers to provide workers’ comp for seasonal farmworkers.
Four Steps to Take If You are Hurt on the Job as a Seasonal Worker in Decatur
Were you hurt on the job as a seasonal worker in Georgia? It is crucial that you take the proper action to protect yourself and your rights. Here are four key steps to take if you are injured on the job as a seasonal worker in Decatur:
- Seek Immediate Medical Care: All work injuries should be evaluated by a doctor. Make sure you get immediate medical care. You cannot file a workers’ comp claim in Georgia without seeking medical attention from a licensed professional.
- Report the Incident to Your Employer: Georgia law requires all workers—including seasonal workers—to notify their employer of an accident/incident in a timely manner. Failure to give notice could invalidate your workers’ comp claim
- File for Workers’ Comp Benefits: Telling your employer that you were hurt on the job is not the legal equivalent of filing for benefits. You still need to file a workers’ compensation claim to get the benefits that you need and deserve.
- Appeal an Unfair Denial of Benefits: Neither your employer nor your insurer gets the sole right to make the final determination of your workers’ comp claim. If you are a seasonal employee who had your work injury claim denied, we can help you file an appeal.
Call Our Decatur Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today
At O’Connell Law Firm, our Decatur workers’ compensation lawyer has the professional skills and proven expertise that you can trust. If you or someone close to you was hurt while working as a seasonal employee, we can help. Contact us now for a no cost, no commitment initial review of your case. With a legal office in Decatur, we represent injured workers throughout Northeastern Georgia.