Do You Work in the Most Popular Occupation in Georgia? Learn about Workplace Health and Safety Risks in Fast Food Work

There is no question that fast food is one of America’s most treasured past times, and one of our most famous cultural exports to the rest of the world. While each region has its own favorite fast-food joints, there is surely some fast-food restaurant in every state to please even the pickiest and most discerning of eaters. Running behind the scenes at every fast-food restaurant in Decatur and beyond is a hard-working team of cashiers, line cooks, dishwashers, drive-thru workers, cleaners, managers, and more. Without these workers, we would never get our meals quickly on the go. But did you know that fast food jobs are the most popular jobs in Georgia, and that there are a number of hidden hazards fast-food workers must face on the job every day? To help Decatur fast-food workers stay safer on the job, we discuss those workplace hazards here.
Common Safety Risks in Fast-Food Work Cannot be Ignored
At the outset, there is no doubt that fast food and counter worker jobs top the charts when it comes to the most popular jobs in Georgia. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, in fact, there were 142,360 fast food and counter workers working in the State of Georgia as of May, 2023. The fast-food workforce has a lot to look out for when it comes to risks to health and safety at work. Here are some of the most common ways in which fast food workers suffer serious and debilitating injuries on the job:
- Slips, trips, and falls: fast-food workers are at risk of falling and slipping on slick, wet, and uneven surfaces, and tripping over items left on the floor;
- Burning and scalding injuries: fast-food workers must often work with high-heat tools and equipment and can be seriously injured if burned. Ovens, stoves, pots of hot liquid, and other high-heat hazards must be observed and handled carefully;
- Cuts from sharp objects: fast-food workers also often work with sharp tools and equipment such as knives, slicers, scissors, and other dangerous tools. Accordingly, fast-food workers must exercise extreme caution when using these tools;
- Chemical exposure: fast-food workers may be exposed to high-toxic cleaners and other chemicals that can burn or injure them;
- Workplace violence: in recent years, service industry workers, including fast-food workers and counter workers have seen violence in the workplace, including criminal activity, fighting, and aggressive behavior. Of course, workers should always call the police if they feel unsafe on the job.
In addition to these workplace hazards, there are other “hidden” risks that fast-food workers face every day. Accordingly, fast-food employers and workers should make sure that workplaces are as free as possible from any dangers (e.g. slippery floors, items left on the floor, improperly stored sharp tools, etc.), and that safety rules and regulations are followed.
Legal Help for Injured Workers in Decatur
If you were injured on the job in Decatur and you need legal help obtaining Georgia workers’ compensation benefits, contact the experienced Decatur workers’ compensation lawyers at the O’Connell Law Firm. The experienced Decatur workers’ compensation lawyers at the O’Connell Law Firm help Decatur workers get workers’ compensation benefits due to them. Do not hesitate to reach out today. Contact the O’Connell Law Firm and speak to a lawyer about your case today.