How To Set Up Direct Deposit Of Your Weekly Workers’ Compensation Check With Accident Fund

If you have an accepted workers’ compensation claim in Georgia and you are receiving weekly workers’ compensation income benefits from Accident Fund Insurance Company of America, you have the option of getting your check directly deposited into your bank account.
There are many different insurance companies that handle workers’ compensation claims in Georgia, and not all of them offer direct deposit of your weekly checks. However, Accident Fund is one of the insurance companies that does offer direct deposit.
In order to set up direct deposit of your check, you will need to fill out a special form that Accident Fund can email you or send you in the mail. You will need to give Accident Fund information so that they can verify your identity and your claim, and you will also need to give them the routing number and bank account number of the checking account into which you would like your checks to be deposited.
Once you complete the form, you can submit it back to Accident Fund through the mail or directly through their website at
If you have questions about how to set up direct deposit of your weekly checks with Accident Fund, or if your claim is being managed by a different insurance company, and you are not sure whether they offer direct deposit, you can reach out to us at the O’Connell Law Firm today for assistance. You can call us at 404-410-0034.